Kancelaria Corpus Iuris is a company specialising in the management of processes related to debt recovery. We help our Clients recover the funds they lost and provide solutions to those who have problems with settling their liabilities. In our daily work we are guided by a set of principles and values that form the pillars of our company.
We conduct our activity in line with provisions of law, standards and norms set out by business organisations associated with the financial market, i.a.
Principles of Good Debt Collection Practices developed by the Conference of Financial Enterprises; we also follow the guidelines and opinions issued by regulatory bodies such as the Polish Financial Supervision Authority and the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection.
Kancelaria Corpus Iuris Sp. z o.o. meets all the requirements for the protection of personal data and protection of customer data, as well as protection of confidential information. The Information Security Administrator is responsible for the security of all data. The Company’s Information Security Policy is very comprehensive and constitutes, i.a., the following documents:
– specifying the requirements for processing personal data by companies,
– specifying the responsibilities of the Information Security Administrator
– personal data protection guidelines,
– guidelines for managing the IT system in Kancelaria Corpus Iuris Sp. z o.o.,
– description of technical and organisational conditions in force in Kancelaria Corpus Iuris Sp. z o.o.,
– rules of storing and achieving documents in Kancelaria Corpus Iuris Sp. z o.o.,
– procedure preventing the disclosure or use of information under professional secrecy,
– continuity plans of Kancelaria Corpus Iuris Sp. z o.o..
All processes related to debt collection, starting with entering data into the IT system and their verification and ending with deleting data from the system after completing the service are described and controlled on an ongoing basis.
Every employee of the Operation Department has a current scope of responsibilities and has been trained in accordance with the requirements regarding occupational health and safety, personal data protection and processes carried out in the company, which is confirmed by relevant documents. Telephone conversations held by our negotiators are recorded – this allows us to verify the quality of the conversations, develop appropriate training and verify possible complaints.