Kancelaria Corpus Iuris Sp. z o.o. was established in 2004. The company initially specialised in handling cases in the B2B sector, conducted restructuring actions, coordinated litigation and enforcement proceedings, as well as purchased individual claims and performed site inspection services.
In 2008 Kancelaria Corpus Iuris Sp. z o.o. established cooperation with Elliott, an American hedge fund, and expanded its offer to include servicing purchased debt portfolios. Since December 2008, Corpus Iuris has been servicing funds acquired by Niestandaryzowany Sekurytyzacyjny Fundusz Inwestycyjny Zamknięty (Corpus Iuris Non-standard Closed-end Securitisation Investment Fund). Currently,we service 16 consumer debt portfolios (telecommunications and banking). Another milestone in the Company’s development was obtaining the Polish Financial Supervision Authority’s consent to manage securitised receivables. On that basis, in September 2012, an agreement was concluded regarding the management of the entire investment fund from Secus Niestandaryzowany Sekurytyzacyjny FunduszInwestycyjny Zamknięty Insecura (Secus Iuris Non-standard Closed-end Securitisation Investment Fund InSecura). Kancelaria Corpus Iuris currently manages 10 debt portfolios under that agreement.
In order to guarantee professional execution of transactions and subsequent servicing of the acquired receivables, Kancelaria Corpus Iuris Sp. z o. o. cooperates closely with Kancelaria Prawna Powroźnik i Wspólnicy sp. k. Since 29 August 2013, Kancelaria Corpus Iuris Sp. z o.o. has been a member of the Polish Debt Collection Association. We offer a broad range of services to our Clients – from monitoring to acquiring receivables.
THE BIGGEST ASSET OF KANCELARIA CORPUS IURIS SP. Z O.O. is the experienced management team and operational employees responsible for direct debt servicing, as well as the standards and procedures which have been developed in the course of servicing debt. Kancelaria Corpus Iuris Sp. z o.o. also received funding from the European Union for the development of IT systems supporting debt management within the framework of the Innovative Economy programme.
Kancelaria Corupus Iuris is a reliable partner for the European Union
On 24 December 2008 the Polish Agency for Enterprise Development officially announced on its websites that Kancelaria Corpus Iuris was granted financial support from the European Union under Measure 8.2 – “Support for implementation of electronic business – B2B” within the Innovative Economy Operational Programme, 2007-2013. The agreement on funding of the project entitled: “Implementation of an innovative IT B2B system for professional management of debts owned by entrepreneurs through automation of business processes” was signed on 27 December 2008.
The project was implemented in accordance with the timetable covering 3 stages spread out in time from January to September 2009. The implementation of the project included carrying out investments in development of IT systems and the purchase of new technologies.