The service consisting in monitoring repayment is addressed to companies which have problems with untimely settlement of debts by their customers.
Actions taken within the framework of the monitoring service aim at determining the cause of the default and resulting in payment of the overdue receivable as soon as possible. Monitoring actions motivate payers and reduce the risk of overdue receivables as well as include regular reminders about upcoming payment deadlines.
Monitoring actions used by our Company include (depending on the Client’s preference and the specific nature of the case):
– reminder calls;
– reminder letters;
– reminder text messages and voice messages;
– e-reminders (in the form of e-mails);
– individualised calls for payment.
Monitoring actions can be carried out either on behalf of the Client or Kancelaria Corpus Iuris, depending on the Client’s decision. After the monitoring service is completed, it is possible for the overdue payments to be automatically moved to the next stage – PRE-JUDICIAL DEBT RECOVERY. Our experience shows that consistency in action brings good results.